Scripting News

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An open note to Jeff Bezos

I think it's great that you bought the Washington Post.

It's not that much money, and it's basically a website, something you understand as well as anyone. Everyone uses Amazon. I hope you can do for news what you did for online shopping.

Let the people who work for you compete with everyone else. There's a thirst for good news programming, just like there was an unappreciated demand for good drama programming that was filled by HBO, Showtime, AMC, etc. People underestimate users of news, world wide, not just in the US.

Point off-site, and make the goal making news great, in today's context.

I totally look forward to seeing what you'll do.

Dave Winer

8/5/2013; 6:49:15 PM

Looking into Bootstrap 3

First, I gotta say I love Bootstrap Toolkit. It saved my ass many times by showing me the way to create simple UIs with CSS and JavaScript.

Bootstrap is turning into the coral reef I hoped it would when I got on board. There's Font Awesome, a great collection of icons in a Bootstrap-friendly font. And recently we discovered and immediately employed Bootswatch, a collection of Bootstrap templates. All you have to do is replace the Bootstrap CSS file with one of theirs and you get a different font and color scheme, designed by people who know what they're doing.

Now Bootstrap 3 is coming. It's at Release Candidate stage.

I've started to do a little investigation into how compatible Bootstrap 3 is with version 2, and it appears to require a fairly complete overhaul. I'm not looking forward to doing this work. I have so many other things to deal with, and I like to take some time off every once in a while as well.

A caveat from the Bootswatch developers: "Bootstrap 3.0 represents a complete break from the 2.x API, which means that the updated themes will not be compatible with old Bootstrap markup."

Luckily we can stay with Bootstrap 2 until the time is right for us. We just have to make copies of the files we use and put them on our server. Which we have done. I'm going to copy the Bootswatch template files today and make the changes to the software to use them in their new location. (Update: This change was made.)

I've also added a macro to the global glossary, <%useBootstrap3%>, which you can add to your Fargo templates in place of <%useBootstrap%>, and you'll be using the new version. However be aware that many things will not work with the new Bootstrap.

8/5/2013; 9:02:35 AM

Who saved Old Reader?

It's been a dramatic week at RSS aggregator The Old Reader.

1. On Monday, one week ago, came news that Old Reader was shutting down its public app, and cutting back to the users they had before Google Reader announced they were shutting down. The growth was too much. They wanted their lives back. (Something I can totally understand and relate to.)

2. Wednesday, a brief post saying they got a great offer, so never mind about the shut down.

3. On Saturday they said that an unnamed "new corporate entity" was supplying the resources, money and people, to reboot Old Reader better than ever.

So the question is -- who do you think the corporate entity is?

1. A news startup, rich in funds, but with no RSS product? Circa maybe? Flipboard?

2. A newspaper site like the WSJ or NYT that missed the boat on RSS and wants to get in the game quickly?

3. An existing RSS aggregator who felt that Old Reader was a stronger product?

4. A cynical publicity stunt? (No, we don't really believe that.)

5. An American spy organization that wants to gather data about all of us, legally this time?

It's definitely a puzzle!

8/5/2013; 7:11:49 AM

It's even worse than it appears. © 1997-2013 Scripting News, Inc.