Scripting News

Scripting News, the weblog started in 1997 that bootstrapped the blogging revolution...

JavaScript animation question

Here's the question:

And here's the solution:

First thanks to everyone who posted an answer to the question.

The answer was remarkably simple, and Navarr Barnier had it -- he said if you use jQuery (which I do) it's as simple as $(selector).slideDown().

To see how it works, check out the Testing menu at the top of the page.

There are two commands in the menu, Hello Walter and Goodbye Walter.

They add and remove a picture of Walter White at the top of the page.

That was exactly the effect I was looking for!

Hot damn.


This doesn't work on the Scripting News home page, and I'm sure to take the Testing menu out at some point in the near future. So this will not necessarily make sense if you view the page a few months or years from now. Sorry! Still diggin.

8/9/2013; 5:46:04 PM

Will Walter White survive Breaking Bad?

A picture named ww.jpg

What do you think?

8/9/2013; 1:29:54 PM

Another TV pilot pitch

This one would be like the X Files or The Americans, set in the near-future, maybe twenty years from now. We live in the aftermath of all the crises that are looming now. Miami is underwater, as is New Orleans, Houston, big parts of NYC, Boston, Baltimore, DC.

The story takes place in a small midwestern city dealing with all the lunacy that comes from having liberals and other city-dwellers invade. Because of the huge population shifts and the precipitous drop in income, and public services, most tax money is spent to fund a police state.

There is an underground movement that fights for liberty and in private practices a religion based on the lifestyle of the late 20th century. People have bomb shelters with SUVs that parents have "dates" in. Like The Wire we see things from all perspectives.

The main character is a lovable bumbling cop, who, like Schindler, keeps a private stash of refugees in a shelter under his back yard. In Season 3 we find out that president is secretly an alien. That makes things interesting.

One of the refugees is Rachel Maddow, another is from Fox News. Mayhem ensues as they fight over who or what is to blame for the mess we're in. We know the truth.

8/9/2013; 11:00:31 AM

It's even worse than it appears. © 1997-2013 Scripting News, Inc.