Redirecting from an S3 file

Update: Problem solved in the comments. Thanks!!

I'm having no luck trying to redirect from a file stored in an S3-hosted website.

I've tried doing it through the website interface, but I get a dialog saying Sorry you were denied access to do that.

I'm pretty sure I have the permissions set to allow me to do anything I want to the file in question. That appears to be a dead-end.

Then I tried doing it with a script.

I set the metadata for the file.

The attribute I set was this: x-amz-website-redirect-location.

I set it to point to

It worked, as you can see in this screen shot.

However when I try to access the file, it does not redirect.

The docs, as usual with Amazon, tell you everything in a weird order and use foreign (to me) terminology. As usual I try to muddle along. I read all the discussion threads I can find, and see that other people are confused, but they seem to eventually get it to work, but don't leave behind anything useful to me. When I get to this point I usually write a blog post and ask if Scripting News readers have any ideas for me to try out.

Here's a test file. As far as I can see it should redirect.

Now the usual question -- wtf am I doing wrong?

Posted: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 13:09:36 GMT